Saturday, June 07, 2008

Application Shortcuts (Windows Start menu, Mac OS X dock)

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that all operating systems have inefficient ideas about accessing applications.

Windows Start menu:
Take a look through the Program Files folder on your C: drive. Now take a look through your Windows Start menu Programs folder. Is one really any cleaner or more functional than the other? How could this be fixed? My belief is that the Start menu should access the Program Files folder directly. This means no more ridiculous shortcuts. Another possible solution is a kind of option that just searches your computer for any and all .exe files. I've had multiple occurrences where the Start menu shortcuts created more problems than they solved.

Mac OS dock:
Sure it's convenient, but only if it has just a few apps on it. Once you start adding shortcuts to everything you start making it's purpose redundant. Why not organize your apps folder into categories, which happens to be more easily done in Mac OS than it is in any other OS. Then put those folder/app categories in your dock and just like that no more shuffling stupid dock shortcuts. If you install a new application, guess what? You don't have to add another shortcut, hooray!

Overall my argument is about redundancies. Why recreate data or content constantly when you can just pull that data from somewhere else? After all it can't be any worse than out-right copying other's content.