Monday, January 31, 2005

Starbucks & Hear Music

Fast Company - Starbucks Brews a New Strategy
Wireless Review - MusicGremlin Wi-Fi Music Player

I don't know about other people but I think Starbucks is way off target right now. To begin with "Hear Music" is junk. The most recent hip song I've heard at a Starbucks was "Dice." If that's not sad I don't know what is. I'm not saying that it's a bad song but why is it the only one I can remember. The company is way out of tune with their customers. Here is a quote from Fast Company magazine, "Its cafes attract young, affluent, tech-savvy customers." Tech-savvy customers don't listen to funeral music. Where is the techno music and hip stuff? Not only that but what's with charging the customer for internet access? That sucks. If Starbucks wants to offer music they better team up with somebody whose got the brains to make it work. A new company called MusicGremlin might be a better way for them to actually make it work if they're really being serious.