Treehugger - Canteen – Local food for local Londoners:
"The London restaurant Canteen has recently been leading the heated debate over whether eating locally sourced non-organic food is more environmentally friendly than always choosing the organic variety, no matter it’s origin. Food provenance, as it’s called, is the new hot topic on the London restaurant scene. This is exemplified by Canteen, a restaurant situated in London’s east end, which proudly markets itself as providing fresh, seasonal, locally sourced food, cooked to order. Doesn’t sound much like a canteen to me! The word canteen summons disturbing images of tinned veggies, cardboard meat and toxic coloured desserts, but maybe that was just my school! In a similar vein to the way we’ve reclaimed the word 'treehugger', the people behind Canteen have chosen to reappropriate a word which reminds people of their worst culinary experiences, reinventing it to signify a very modern version of healthy fast food."
LINKS: Canteen