PharmaLive - Stem Cells and Progenitor Cell Therapy: Current Uses and Future Potential:
"Regenerative medicine refers to the concept of replacing cells that are damaged or have died with new cells that treat or cure disease, as opposed to using drugs or other therapies. Since 1935, when the first antibiotics were introduced, the practice of medicine has revolved around drugs, and most medical research amounts to a search for newer and better ones. Certainly antibiotics have a good record of fighting infectious disease and other drugs have done much to relieve dysfunction and suffering caused by chronic diseases. Regenerative medicine, however, offers the possibility of replacing damaged or diseased cells and tissues. If it were possible to replace insulin secreting cells in the pancreas, type I diabetes could be cured. If it were possible to replace dopamine-secreting cells in the brain, Parkinson's might be cured. Cures, not just palliative treatments, are promised by regenerative medicine."
Via Longevity Meme