Monday, October 31, 2005

Discover Magazine - Time Machine

Discover Magazine - Time Machine:
"Sometimes, when things get sufficiently weird, subtetly longer works, so i'll be blunt: The gleaming device I am staring at in the corner of a machine shop in San Rafael, California, is the most audacious machine ever built. It is a clock, but it is designed to do something no clock has ever been conceived to do—run with perfect accuracy for 10,000 years."

New Scientist - Balloon beams broadband internet from stratosphere

New Scientist - Balloon beams broadband internet from stratosphere:
"A blisteringly fast data downlink provided by a stratospheric balloon floating 24,000 metres above the Earth has been tested for the first time."

Wired News - Look, Ma, No Wires!

Wired News - Look, Ma, No Wires!:
"As we approach the 100th anniversary of the first wireless telephone call (see timeline), applications for wireless technology seem both limitless and frustratingly out of reach. Promises of new services and ubiquitous mobile broadband stand side by side with complaints over the quality of basic voice reception. On both fronts, it's clear that we ain't seen nothing yet."

CNET News - Tomorrow's operating room to harness Net, RFID

CNET News - Tomorrow's operating room to harness Net, RFID:
"It's hard to do most jobs without talking to your peers, but in the operating room, poor communication can cost a life.

In the operating room of the future, however, telling a doctor he or she is making a mistake could be as easy as pointing to a computer screen or 'wall of knowledge'--a thoroughgoing summary of background data, vital signs and strategic information designed to prevent mistakes during surgery."

Wired News - Futurists Pick Top Tech Trends

Wired News - Futurists Pick Top Tech Trends:
"Taking a long-term view isn't easy nowadays. Even the recent past seems blurry at times. Google's just seven years old, but it's hard to imagine life before instant search. Broadband has been widely available for only a few years, but already dialup internet seems to high-speed users like a throwback to the Neanderthal era."

news @ nature - Future operations could be performed from the inside.

news @ nature - Future operations could be performed from the inside.:
"Meet the robots that can perform surgery from within your own body. Their creators hope that the remote-controlled surgeons are a step towards a time when traditional open surgery is a thing of the past."

Ployer - Intel , Motorola WiMax Mobile push

Ployer - Intel , Motorola WiMax Mobile push:
"Intel and Motorola joined forces to advance WiMax technology based on proposed uniform broadband access standards known as IEEE 802.16e."
Via LIVEdigitally

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Treehugger - McDonald's to Start Selling Organic Coffee

Treehugger - McDonald's to Start Selling Organic Coffee:
"McDonald's will begin selling organic coffee at its New England restaurants next month. It's an arrangement that could spark huge growth for Green Mountain Coffee, the company that will be supplying Newman's Own Organics blend coffee. The coffee will be available in more than 650 McDonald´s restaurants in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire and in the Albany, N.Y., region. Green Mountain Coffee earlier entered a separate deal to purchase beans, roast them and package them for Newman´s Own. The latest arrangement with McDonald´s expands the deal."

Popular Mechanics - Automated External Defibrillators Are Saving Lives

Popular Mechanics - Automated External Defibrillators Are Saving Lives:
"Once used only by trained medical staff, automated external defibrillators, or AEDs, are now within easy reach of good Samaritans at airports, stadiums and even the POPULAR MECHANICS editorial offices. While some may be leery of their fellow citizens wielding an electric shock device, there is no doubt in Garofalo's mind what would have happened if his gym hadn't been equipped with one. 'I would be dead,' he says. 'I was dead--I didn't have a pulse. When I woke up two days later, doctors asked me if I saw, you know, 'the light.''"

Geotimes - Evolution battles continue

Geotimes - Evolution battles continue:
"The battle over the teaching of evolution in public schools in the United States reached a fever pitch this week, as a number of prominent scientists testified in an ongoing court trial that pits evolution against intelligent design (the idea that evolution was guided by an 'intelligent being') in Dover, Pa. At the same time, geoscientists meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, discussed how to combat the mounting attacks on evolution. In both places, the scientific concern was the same — that teaching intelligent design in the science classroom or not teaching the theory of evolution will harm students in the long run."

LinuxDevices - Linux-powered handheld gaming gadget due Nov. 30

LinuxDevices - Linux-powered handheld gaming gadget due Nov. 30:
"Several online stores are accepting pre-orders for an inexpensive handheld Linux gaming device expected to ship Nov. 30. The Gamepark Holdings GP2X-F100 features dual ARM9 processors, USB 2.0, a 3.5-inch color LCD, support for both native and emulated games, and a Linux SDK (software development kit)."

Treehugger - Italian Trains Get Solar Boost

Treehugger - Italian Trains Get Solar Boost:
"The first solar-power-assisted trains in Europe are from Italy. 'The PVTRAIN project, partly funded by the EU, has been under development since 2003, and involves 10 prototype units: 5 carriages, 3 cargo wagons and 2 locomotives.' The solar panels on the roof do no help power the wheels, but they provide energy for air-conditioning, lighting and safety systems, which helps make the trains more efficient by freeing the engine from having to create power for that electrical load. 'The panels on a rail car can deliver approximately 1.36 kW of peak power. In the development and testing from July 2003 to May 2005, the solar panel system generated a total of 1,017.41 kWh.' If the experiment is successful, solar-assisted trains could be produced on an industrial scale."

Treehugger - Solar-Powered Bus Shelters Light Up

Treehugger - Solar-Powered Bus Shelters Light Up:
"These bus shelters, called i-SHELTERs, light up with LED light immediately when someone walks inside. They were created by a Canadian cleantech company, Carmanah, Technologies. The solar bus shelters were most recently installed in Edinburgh streets. They also have installations in Canada, Chicago and Seattle and a contract to provide at least 1,200 solar-LED bus stops in the London area."
Via Clean Break

AdAge - Comedy Central to Launch Broadband Web Site

AdAge - Comedy Central to Launch Broadband Web Site:
"Responding to marketers’ demands for sophisticated online advertising options and more ways to reach viewers, Comedy Central will launch a broadband-enabled Web site, executives at the cable channel said at a press conference in New York yesterday. Coined, the site will go live Nov. 1."
Via Ypulse

Friday, October 28, 2005

PCS Intel - Department of Defense iDEN, Sprint WiMax

PCS Intel - Department of Defense iDEN, Sprint WiMax:
"We are finally ready to disclose Sprint's master plan for WiMax as well. Sprint intends to deploy a national, non-fixed WiMax network with as much, if not more coverage than the existing CDMA network. WiMax will effectively act as a replacement to CDMA data, providing FIOS-like speeds via massive towers that resemble TV towers in major cities."
Via Engadget

LA Downtown News - Two More Towers

LA Downtown News - Two More Towers:
"The forest of residential towers being planned around Staples Center just got denser. Last week two major housing developers announced plans to create as many as 700 units in two high-rises."

LA Downtown News - Another Aim at Seventh Street

LA Downtown News - Another Aim at Seventh Street:
"Before World War II, Seventh Street in Downtown Los Angeles was in many respects the L.A. Live of its time, with department stores, eateries, nightlife and hotels along a pedestrian-friendly corridor. The street buzzed with activity."

VisualStore - A New Look at the Office

VisualStore - A New Look at the Office:
"OfficeMax Inc. (Itasca, Ill.) has unveiled a new store prototype that, it says, 'dramatically differentiates OfficeMax from other office supply stores. The design replaces the industry-standard warehouse format with an engaging, colorful environment that highlights small- and home-office solutions.'"

Yahoo! News - AOL Adds New RSS Content to Its Video Search Engine

Yahoo! News - AOL Adds New RSS Content to Its Video Search Engine:
"America Online, a leader in Internet technologies, Web brands, interactive and e-commerce services, announced collaborations with a variety of video producers, in a bid to cover all of the bases for consumers in terms of video content."

Thursday, October 27, 2005

eWeek - AMD Invites Developers to Pacifica

eWeek - AMD Invites Developers to Pacifica:
"AMD (Advanced Micro Devices Inc.) wants to help remove the barriers that, thus far, have prevented virtualization from the mainstream of the x86 computer space."

NASA - Spooky Astronomy

NASA - Spooky Astronomy:
"On Oct. 31st, the planet Mars is making its closest approach to Earth for the next 13 years. (13 years? Cross your fingers.) Technically speaking, the moment of closest approach occurs on Oct. 30th, a day before Halloween, but the difference in distance between the 30th and the 31st is too slight to matter."

Trend Central - Musings on Mainstream Vs. Trendsetters

Trend Central - Musings on Mainstream Vs. Trendsetters:
"One of our trendsetters recently sent us a Lifestyle Report documenting her first weeks at college. It’s comforting to see that for students, college still serves as an eye opener to the diverse worlds around them and that many begin to realize that those different from them aren’t necessarily 'bad' or 'wrong':"

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Metropolis Magazine - The Rise of the Ephemeral City

Metropolis Magazine - The Rise of the Ephemeral City:
"Cities have always been about change. And as we plunge deeper into the millennium, we may now be witnessing the emergence of a new kind of urban place, populated largely by nonfamilies and the nomadic rich. This 'ephemeral city' might become the prototype for advanced countries in the twenty-first century. San Francisco, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, and parts of New York already serve as ephemeral cities. Unlike the imperial capital, which administered a vast empire and extracted riches from it, or the commercial city, which thrived by trading goods, the ephemeral city prospers by providing an alternative lifestyle to a small sector of society."

BizReport - Microsoft Chided Over Exclusive Music Idea

BizReport - Microsoft Chided Over Exclusive Music Idea:
"The federal judge overseeing Microsoft Corp.'s business practices scolded the company Wednesday over a proposal to force manufacturers to tether iPod-like devices to Microsoft's own music player software."

BizReport - Movie biz tackles piracy issues at Fla. convention

BizReport - Movie biz tackles piracy issues at Fla. convention:
"Redstone cited her company's 'Cinema Deluxe' brand, which features bars, lounges, concierge services, reserved seating and live entertainment, as an example of theatrical draws. She also mentioned special programs for children that have been tested in Russia and 'show centers' in Brazil featuring food courts, discos and even a roller coaster, an analogy she used for such pitfalls as that country's economic downturn. 'We have to work on elements we can control,' she said."

BizReport - Google Gives Peek at Classified Ad Service

BizReport - Google Gives Peek at Classified Ad Service:
"Google Inc. has unintentionally provided a sneak peek at what appears to be a looming expansion into classified advertising -- a free service that might antagonize some of the Internet search engine's biggest customers, including online auctioneer eBay Inc."

The Onion - 'Midwest' Discovered Between East, West Coasts

The Onion - 'Midwest' Discovered Between East, West Coasts:
"A U.S. Geographic Survey expeditionary force announced yesterday that it has discovered an unexplored and heretofore unknown land region between the New York and California coasts."

Chicago Tribune - 2,000-foot TV tower may pierce skyline

Chicago Tribune - 2,000-foot TV tower may pierce skyline:
"Imagine this addition to Chicago's fabled skyline: a futuristic, tweezer-shaped broadcast tower looming 2,000 feet over the lakefront as one of the world's tallest structures."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Publish - Will Flock Trump Firefox?

Publish - Will Flock Trump Firefox?:
"The new browser's developer preview has some bugs now, but it's poised to take advantage of tagging, blogging and all things Web 2.0."

Future Feeder - Broad-Spectrum White LEDs

Future Feeder - Broad-Spectrum White LEDs:
"Anyone who has bought 'white' LED devices knows that the light is not quite white. Michael Bowers, a graduate student at Vanderbilt University, has discovered an alternative method of producing white LEDs with a broad spectrum while remaining cool to the touch. This discovery will certainly make its way to architectural lighting and large scale applications as LED production costs drop. Bowers’ method also indicates possibilities to provide illumination through chemical processes in a luminescent paint to transform any surface into an light source."

Monday, October 24, 2005

Grist Magazine - A report from the Environmental Media Awards

Grist Magazine - A report from the Environmental Media Awards:
"Six months ago, I traded the comfy coffee hangouts of Seattle for the vermilion sunsets of L.A. I wanted to expand my universe, to write for movies and television, to not have so many Birkenstocks in my direct line of sight. So naturally, I jumped at the opportunity to cover the Environmental Media Awards for Grist."
Via Electrifying Times Newsletter

BizReport - New Web Software a Challenge to Microsoft

BizReport - New Web Software a Challenge to Microsoft:
"A quiet revolution is transforming life on the Internet: New, agile software now lets people quickly check flight options, see stock prices fluctuate and better manage their online photos and e-mail."

reveries magazine - Galleria Illy

reveries magazine - Galleria Illy:
"'Illy, the Italian coffee,' has opened 'what is essentially a three-dimensional advertisement … in a 3,500-square-foot, two-story space,' called Galleria Illy, 'on West Broadway in SoHo,' reports Teri Karush Rogers in The New York Times (10/24/05). It’s a temporary outpost that opened on September 15th and is set to close on December 15th — classifying it as a 'pop-up store.' However, unlike most other short-term, seasonal, pop-up shops, Illy’s objective is not sales but brand-building. Specifically, it’s Illy’s attempted antidote to the ineffectiveness of traditional advertising: 'The ability to communicate your brand attributes is so much more possible with physical space like this than something you read in a magazine or watch on TV,' says Peter Golder, an associate professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
LINKS: Galleria Illy

news @ nature - Laser printer dot code revealed

news @ nature - Laser printer dot code revealed:
"You may want to think twice about printing this article. Many colour laser printers mark the pages they produce with tiny yellow dots that, according to technology watchdogs, can reveal information about you and your computer."

news @ nature - Nanocar takes a test drive

news @ nature - Nanocar takes a test drive:
"Tour and his colleagues claim that the wheels must indeed be turning. When they used the fine tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope, a device normally used for imaging at the atomic scale, to attract the nanocars and pull them along, the cars moved forward but not sideways. That's just what you would expect to happen if the C60 molecules were rotating on an axis. Occasionally the cars pivoted and took off in a new direction, making zigzag paths."

PSFK - Virgin Healthcare

PSFK - Virgin Healthcare:
"In a country with a mix of aging population and influx of immigrants, one of the pressing concerns is healthcare – or lack of it. There are 45 million un-insured Americans but Richard Branson’s Virgin hopes to help change this. They’ve teamed up with a US insurance provider to offer Virgin Life Care in 2006 which will offer low premiums and frequent flyer like rewards. Members can collect points when they work out in gyms and workouts or buy running shoes!"
LINKS: Virgin Life Care

Computerworld - Intel slashes laptop power-up times

Computerworld - Intel slashes laptop power-up times:
"Intel Corp. today unveiled a new technology that significantly reduces the time it takes for a notebook PC to power up or access programs, while also improving battery life."
Via Engadget <- PSFK

Times Online - Living longer, healthier lives

Times Online - Living longer, healthier lives:
"Given that most people think that it is better to be alive than dead, one might expect that the increased longevity of the population would have been greeted with universal joy."
Via Longevity Meme

PharmaLive - Stem Cells and Progenitor Cell Therapy: Current Uses and Future Potential

PharmaLive - Stem Cells and Progenitor Cell Therapy: Current Uses and Future Potential:
"Regenerative medicine refers to the concept of replacing cells that are damaged or have died with new cells that treat or cure disease, as opposed to using drugs or other therapies. Since 1935, when the first antibiotics were introduced, the practice of medicine has revolved around drugs, and most medical research amounts to a search for newer and better ones. Certainly antibiotics have a good record of fighting infectious disease and other drugs have done much to relieve dysfunction and suffering caused by chronic diseases. Regenerative medicine, however, offers the possibility of replacing damaged or diseased cells and tissues. If it were possible to replace insulin secreting cells in the pancreas, type I diabetes could be cured. If it were possible to replace dopamine-secreting cells in the brain, Parkinson's might be cured. Cures, not just palliative treatments, are promised by regenerative medicine."
Via Longevity Meme

The Globe and Mail - Coaxing bones to grow anew

The Globe and Mail - Coaxing bones to grow anew:
"Like a salamander that can sprout itself a new tail, Mr. Russel has regrown seven centimetres of bone along the bottom right of his jaw, tissue he lost to a benign tumour in 2003."
Via Longevity Meme

A Weekly Dose of Architecture - LVMH Osaka

A Weekly Dose of Architecture - LVMH Osaka:
"Undertaking the design of boutique and office project for Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) in Osaka, Japan, Kengo Kuma used the exterior wall as a starting point for exploration. Given what he calls the 'dichotomic technique of wall (opaque) versus window (transparent),' he opted to blur these distinctions by wrapping the office floors in a continuous skin of stone that from the exterior appears opaque during the day but much different at night."

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Engadget - A closer look at Willcom’s W-SIM

Engadget - A closer look at Willcom’s W-SIM:
"Take a PCMCIA card for cellular data transfer — hardware, antenna, and all — shrink it down to the size of a SIM card, and there’s the W-SIM. It is a complete cellular package (modularized PHS, technically), and Willcom says it’s the smallest in the world at 25.6 x 42.0 x 4mm (1 x 1.65 x 0.15-inch)."
Via Future Feeder

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Treehugger - Honda's Improved Fuel Cell Concept Car Unveiled

Treehugger - Honda's Improved Fuel Cell Concept Car Unveiled:
"Honda has unveiled its FCX fuel cell concept car at the Tokyo show (see this previous article for more background info). This car has a home refueling unit that also supplies electricity and hot water for the home. The 'home energy station' generates hydrogen from natural gas supplied to households, according to Honda. The system refines natural gas to provide the vehicle with hydrogen, which is mixed with oxygen to power the car. It can also supply electricity to the home and recover heat during power generation for domestic water heating. The FCX also boasts the lowest floor platform in the world by accommodating a motor, hydrogen tank and other components vertically."

Thursday, October 20, 2005 - Nanotubes refine computer memory - Nanotubes refine computer memory:
"Nantero has succeeded in making circular wafers, 13 centimeters in diameter, that hold 10 gigabits of data and are ten times faster than flash memory."

Wired News - Are You Ready for Web 2.0?

Wired News - Are You Ready for Web 2.0?:
"No one may be able to agree on what Web 2.0 means, but the idea of a new, more collaborative internet is creating buzz reminiscent of the go-go days of the late 1990s."

CNET News - Tools for the ultimate high-tech survival kit

CNET News - Tools for the ultimate high-tech survival kit:
"Natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina can turn a high-tech culture into a decidedly low-tech one--where food, water and shelter are what matter most."

The Seattle Times - Microsoft sees a future on the small screen

The Seattle Times - Microsoft sees a future on the small screen:
"It took 12 years and more than $10 billion, but one of Microsoft's biggest dreams may finally be coming true: The company is close to becoming a major player in the television business."

New York Times - Stem Cell Test Tried on Mice Saves Embryo

New York Times - Stem Cell Test Tried on Mice Saves Embryo:
"Scientists have devised two new techniques to derive embryonic stem cells in mice, one of which avoids the destruction of the embryo, a development that could have the potential to shift the grounds of the longstanding political debate about human stem cell research."
Via - Activision confirms new Wolfenstein is headed to PC - Activision confirms new Wolfenstein is headed to PC:
"Activision and id Software have confirmed that the next-generation Wolfenstein game for Xbox 360 which was announced at X05 in Amsterdam earlier this week is also on its way to the PC platform."

BizReport - Voice phone calls to be free within years: eBay CEO

BizReport - Voice phone calls to be free within years: eBay CEO:
"In a few short years, users can expect to make telephone calls for free, with no per-minute charges, as part of a package of services through which carriers make money on advertising or transaction fees, eBay's chief executive said on Wednesday."

Science a Go Go - Nanomaterial Error-Correction Process Mimics Nature

Science a Go Go - Nanomaterial Error-Correction Process Mimics Nature:
"Although a great deal of progress has been made in the self-assembly of nanomaterials, defects that occur during the assembly process present major problems for critical applications such as molecular electronics and photonics. To date, efforts to overcome these assembly errors have focused on either minimizing errors or designing devices that can tolerate errors, but a new procedure developed by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign may provide a much more elegant solution." - GameShadow announces partnership with ATI - GameShadow announces partnership with ATI:
"GameShadow's PC gaming updates service is set to reach a much wider audience, as the company announces a new partnership with graphics card manufacturer ATI." - GameTap download service launches in US - GameTap download service launches in US:
"Turner Broadcasting System has officially launched GameTap, a new gaming download service which gives subscribers access to more than 300 arcade, console and PC games."

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

SAGE Crossroads - The Secret Lives of Telomerase

SAGE Crossroads - The Secret Lives of Telomerase:
"Telomerase has long been credited with keeping chromosomes from crumbling, a skill once thought to influence longevity. Now researchers are discovering new telomerase talents that might help keep tissues young."
Via Longevity Meme Newsletter

iMedia Connection - Launches Broadband Programming

iMedia Connection - Launches Broadband Programming: "Broadband network, which draws more than six million unique viewers monthly, announced yesterday that it is launching an entire slate of original programming."
Via Ypulse

iMedia Connection - mtvU Unveils Broadband Channel/CGM

iMedia Connection - mtvU Unveils Broadband Channel/CGM:
"mtvU, MTV's 24-hour college network, yesterday unveiled MTV Networks' first channel distributed in its entirety over broadband, 'mtvU Uber'."
Via Ypulse

New York Post - Goth Fragrance

New York Post - Goth Fragrance:
"WHO'D want to catch a whiff of face-painted death rocker Marilyn Manson (above)? No one, we'd guess, but that's not stopping the poster boy for teenage alienation hoping to join the ranks of the 'Beautiful People' he sang about by bringing out his own line of fragrance. He told WWD he's 'in the final stages with one of the major companies,' and he hopes a full line of cosmetics will follow. Expect plenty of powder and red lipstick."
Via Ypulse

eMarketer Daily - You Could Look It Up

eMarketer Daily - You Could Look It Up:
"Nielsen//NetRatings reports that Wikipedia's unique audience increased from about 3.3 million in September 2004 to 12.8 million by September 2005. Wikipedia, which bills itself as 'the free encyclopedia,' is a constantly growing and changing compendium of information about hundreds of thousands of topics. Unlike standard encyclopedias, the content comes from the Web site's users, who can create, edit and delete information on the site at will. The site has administrators who monitor these changes and prevent, or correct, abuse or incorrect updates."

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Los Angeles Times - Fads are so yesterday

Los Angeles Times - Fads are so yesterday:
"There was a time, way back in the late 1990s, when coolhunting was still cool, when nearly every Madison Avenue ad agency wanted a resident hipster to interpret the spending habits of those inscrutable Gen-Xers. Then the Internet exploded, connecting everyone to everything in an instant, and suddenly, the art of predicting the next big trend got way more complicated."
Via Ypulse

informitv - Printed plastic screens offer low-cost colour displays

informitv - Printed plastic screens offer low-cost colour displays:
"Siemens engineers have produced extremely thin, miniature colour displays that can be printed onto paper or foil, enabling production at very low cost compared to conventional LCD panels."

informitv - Aeon Digital announces wireless flat screen PVR

informitv - Aeon Digital announces wireless flat screen PVR:
"Aeon Digital has unveiled a flat screen television with integrated digital video recorder and a wireless router enabling it to stream or download music or movies over a broadband connection."

DOE Solar Decathlon - Photo Gallery of Homes

DOE Solar Decathlon - Photo Gallery of Homes:
"The teams competing in the Solar Decathlon have designed and built incredible solar powered homes. Now, they must operate them and compete in 10 contests to see which house is most efficient."
Via Archinect

Mobile Mag - New Pure Plate LCD Protectors don't bubble

Mobile Mag - New Pure Plate LCD Protectors don't bubble:
"Korea AGF has released a new type of LCD protection film, called Pure Plate, the screen protectors are mainly designed for large size navigation displays."

CNET News - Linux calling: Are cell phones ready?

CNET News - Linux calling: Are cell phones ready?:
"The Open Source Development Labs, an industry consortium devoted to improving Linux, plans to launch an initiative Monday to bring the open-source operating system to mobile phones."
Via Gizmos for Geeks

Wired News - Designer Gear for the Apocalypse

Wired News - Designer Gear for the Apocalypse:
"Running from Oct. 16 to Jan. 2 of next year, SAFE: Design Takes On Risk is the first design exhibition at New York's Museum of Modern Art since the institution reopened last year in its overhauled, expanded midtown Manhattan digs."
Via Gizmodo

Autoblog - Holden debuts lead sled concept car at Australian Auto Show

Autoblog - Holden debuts lead sled concept car at Australian Auto Show:
"This wild factory hot rod is stealing the spotlight at this year’s Australian Auto Show, which opened today in Sydney. A reprise of the popular Holden FJ of the ‘50s, the Efijy sports a fiberglass body (no steel and lead, unfortunately) riding on a stretched Corvette chassis. Motivation comes from a supercharged LS2 V8 putting out 645bhp through a four-speed pushbutton automatic transmission. Adjustable height air ride suspension with 20 inch billet wheels in front and 22 inch in the rear give the Efijy that modern slammed show car look."
Via Cool Hunting

Monday, October 17, 2005

TWICE - EchoStar Launches Portable Media Players

TWICE - EchoStar Launches Portable Media Players:
"The first portable media players that store music and video transferred via high-speed USB connection from a set-top DVR have been launched through EchoStar’s independent satellite-TV dealers."

eHomeUpgrade - Iomega Announces New StorCenter Network Hard Drive / Media Server

eHomeUpgrade - Iomega Announces New StorCenter Network Hard Drive / Media Server:
"Iomega Corporation, a global leader in data storage celebrating 25 years of business in 2005, today announced the fastest, most complete solution for storing, enhancing, experiencing and sharing all kinds of digital content on a home or small business network: the new Iomega® StorCenter™ Network Hard Drive with built-in UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) A/V network media server and embedded FolderShare™ software. Marking a new era of centralized storage that's flexible, scalable and easy to manage, the Iomega StorCenter Network Hard Drive begins shipping later this month in capacities of up to 250 gigabytes (GB)*, with a one terabyte (TB) model expected early next year."

Sunday, October 16, 2005

PSFK - OZOcar - Eco-Conscious Car Service

PSFK - OZOcar - Eco-Conscious Car Service:
"OZOcar is an eco-conscious car service that has hit New York. Instead of taking the regular 18mpg Town Car to and from the airport, New Yorkers can now take the internet and Sirius radio enabled 60mpg Prius or other hybrid."

Wired News - The Future Needs Futurists

Wired News - The Future Needs Futurists:
"According to the Association of Professional Futurists, prospects are starting to look quite promising. As companies and government agencies grapple with the seemingly scorching rate of technological innovation and change, more are engaging the services of self-described futurists for advice on how to adapt."

Sci-Tech Today - Bell Labs Unveils Printed Computer Chip

Sci-Tech Today - Bell Labs Unveils Printed Computer Chip:
"'We didn't use any lithographic steps,' said Elsa Reichmanis, Bell Labs' lead researcher on the organic circuitry printing project and head of the labs' materials research department. 'We use the same type of tools used to print magazines.'"
Via Future Feeder

IEEE Spectrum - The Rise of the Body Bots

IEEE Spectrum - The Rise of the Body Bots:
"Science-fiction fans have long become accustomed to the idea of steely commandos clad in robotic exoskeletons taking on huge, vicious, extraterrestrial beasts, shadowy evil cyborgs, or even each other. Supersoldiers encased in sleek, self-powered armor figure memorably in such works as Robert A. Heinlein's 1959 novel Starship Troopers, Joe W. Haldeman's 1975 The Forever War, and many other books and movies. In 1999's A Good Old-Fashioned Future, for example, Bruce Sterling writes of a soldier dying after crashing in his 'power-armor, a leaping, brick-busting, lightning-spewing exoskeleton.'"

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Baseline Magazine - Automated Supplies Keep Web Pharmacy Healthy

Baseline Magazine - Automated Supplies Keep Web Pharmacy Healthy:
"A customized inventory management system helps this online pharmacy to tie together its inventory, warehouse and shipping processes to keep things functioning with a minimal headcount and very low costs."

eMarketer Daily - Asia-Pacific DTV and Pay TV Trends

eMarketer Daily - Asia-Pacific DTV and Pay TV Trends:
"Home to half the world's TV households, the Asia-Pacific region is on the threshold of a new phase of growth and innovation. Digital technology, industry consolidation and continued economic growth are transforming the region's TV sector—and creating unprecedented marketing and communications opportunities for agile companies all around the world."

NASA - Building a Better Rocket Engine

NASA - Building a Better Rocket Engine:
"Engineers have found a way to boost the performance of liquid fueled rockets. Their secret: innovative plumbing."

Thursday, October 06, 2005

BizReport - AOL to buy Weblogs Inc. network

BizReport - AOL to buy Weblogs Inc. network:
"America Online Inc. has agreed to buy Weblogs Inc., a network of Internet sites focused on niche topics ranging from food to gadgets, for around $25 million, a source familiar with the deal said on Wednesday."

BizReport - Yahoo Inc. Acquires

BizReport - Yahoo Inc. Acquires
"Yahoo Inc. has acquired, an online event planning site that's expected to infuse the Internet powerhouse with more content about local communities."

Monday, October 03, 2005

PSFK - Voice SMS - Bubble Talk(TM)

PSFK - Voice SMS - Bubble Talk(TM):
"Bubble Talk is a new service that allows mobile phone users to to send a voice message instead of a SMS text message. This new service has been introduced by a Singapore company called Bubble Motion and is already operational in Singapore and Malaysia."

BizReport - Yahoo-Backed Alliance to Open Web Library

BizReport - Yahoo-Backed Alliance to Open Web Library:
"Internet powerhouse Yahoo Inc. is setting out to build a vast online library of copyrighted books that pleases publishers -- something rival Google Inc. hasn't been able to achieve."

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Weekly Dose of Architecture - Cité Multimédia 8

A Weekly Dose of Architecture - Cité Multimédia 8:
"Montreal's Cité Multimédia (Multimedia City) is a large-scale office development in an old industrial area of the city geared towards internet and other technology companies."

PSFK - Mozilla's New Trouble: Flock

PSFK - Mozilla's New Trouble: Flock:
"As the storm simmers over the vunerability of the Firefox browser, a new browser threatens to take its place. 'Flock' calls itself a 'social browser' and works with popular web services like Flickr, Technorati and"

PSFK - Branson Starts Oil Company To Keep Air Travel Cheap

PSFK - Branson Starts Oil Company To Keep Air Travel Cheap:
"Kudos to Tom Peters' blog people as they point to an article in last week's Guardian about Richard Branson's attempt to get into the oil industry - so that he can keep the cost of his Virgin Atlantic & Express flights down!"

LA Downtown News - City Retail Program Lures 20 New Businesses

LA Downtown News - City Retail Program Lures 20 New Businesses:
"While thousands of residents have surged into newly opened Downtown loft projects, the sprawling ground floor spaces aimed at bustling cafes, dry cleaners and video stores often are remaining stubbornly vacant."

LA Downtown News - Faded South Park Property To Become Chic Hotel

LA Downtown News - Faded South Park Property To Become Chic Hotel:
"'Very hip and contemporary at the same time,' said Attias, the West Coast representative for the New York real estate company Chetrit Group, as he stood on the roof of the nine-story Embassy Hotel and Theater recently. Gesturing to the city in front of him he said, 'The view is fabulous at night, especially with the lights.'"

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Economist - Volkswagen - Volkswagen:
"WHY should a small and highly-profitable maker of sports cars suddenly hitch its fortunes to a lumbering and struggling mass-producer? That was the question that some alarmed shareholders asked this week when Porsche, the world's most profitable carmaker, announced plans to buy a 20% stake in Volkswagen (VW), Europe's biggest carmaker."

New Scientist Technology - Iris scanning on the hoof

New Scientist Technology - Iris scanning on the hoof:
"THE world's first iris-recognition system designed to identify people on the move has been unveiled."
Via Future Feeder

infoSync World - Samsung plays up versatile 4-inch YM-PD1 media player

infoSync World - Samsung plays up versatile 4-inch YM-PD1 media player:
"Sporting a 4-inch TFT screen, terrestrial DMB digital TV reception and support for the playback and recording of a swathe of formats, Samsung's new YM-PD1 dazzles."
Via Mobile Review