Friday, June 24, 2005

New York Times - They Got (Video) Game; N.B.A. Finals Can Wait

New York Times - They Got (Video) Game; N.B.A. Finals Can Wait:
"'I was on a panel recently where someone asked me what my worst fear was,' said David Stern, the N.B.A. commissioner, in a telephone interview. 'It was that as video games got so graphically close to perfection, and you could create your own players - their hairdos, their shoes - that there might be a battle between seeing games in person or on television and seeing it play out on a video game.'"
Related: Techdirt - Online Gaming As A Professional Sport In South Korea
Related: Control and Property in Play-Based Online Worlds - Korea Gaming Mojo
Related: GameSpy - Case File 25: Is America Ready for Serious Professional Gaming TV Coverage?