Sunday, February 13, 2005

Stereogum - The Lost Boys

Stereogum - The Lost Boys:
"On tonight's 20/20, Corey Feldman talks to Martin Bashir about the 'inappropriate' relationship he had with Michael Jackson in the '80s (Jacko was a apparently a huuuuge Goonies fan)."

All of these sorts of things make me believe that the utopian society has no sex. All I mean is that everyone is without any kind of sex-drive. I heard a communist once argue this in some respect. He believed that the utopian society would edit out people's sex-drive by putting something in the water. If you keep up on your science news you'll know that he wasn't being that unreal. It's a very realistic option. Now what the hell would you do with a bunch of people who get no sex? I'll answer that by saying, WORK LIKE HELL. It is likely that love would probably be replaced by a passion for work or whatever you'd like to call it. What's the point of mentioning any of this? I'll say because people seem so interested in a person's sexuality these days. It's bloody degrading! Everyone has to want sex from something or they're considered FREAKY. Having sex with lots of women shouldn't be a factor, but it sure seems like it is these days in order to be considered a real man. The only real MAN I can think of is one who has honor, pride, good judgement, and can stand alone for what they believe in. I'm not a very religious person, so don't get that impression. My ideas are better related to that of Buddhists, Communists/Socialists, Futurists, and Transhumanists.