PC Magazine - Time to Rescue Old Code:
"Recently, I suggested in my online column (go.pcmag.com/opensourceosx) that if Apple ever switches to the Microsoft Windows OS, it should put the Mac OS X code in the public domain as open-source. This would keep its usefulness alive and provide good coding ideas that can be used elsewhere. It's time that we stopped reinventing the wheel. It's killing us."
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
informitv - Telco television changes channels of distribution
informitv - Telco television changes channels of distribution:
"Telecommunications giant AT&T is reported to be spending $4.6 billion to provide television over broadband in up to 20 American markets by the end of 2006, reaching up to 19 million homes in over 40 markets by the end of 2008. Can it compete with cable and satellite or does it offer more of the same?"
"Telecommunications giant AT&T is reported to be spending $4.6 billion to provide television over broadband in up to 20 American markets by the end of 2006, reaching up to 19 million homes in over 40 markets by the end of 2008. Can it compete with cable and satellite or does it offer more of the same?"
TWICE - Appeals Court Ruling Goes Against EchoStar
TWICE - Appeals Court Ruling Goes Against EchoStar:
"'While consumers are free to choose to read the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle or any other newspaper regardless of where in the United States they live, broadcasters successfully orchestrated passage of special interest legislation which prohibits consumers from watching network channels originating in other markets, except in limited circumstances,' the company said in a statement."
"'While consumers are free to choose to read the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle or any other newspaper regardless of where in the United States they live, broadcasters successfully orchestrated passage of special interest legislation which prohibits consumers from watching network channels originating in other markets, except in limited circumstances,' the company said in a statement."
Thursday, May 25, 2006
BizReport - Yahoo, eBay Join Forces in Partnership
BizReport - Yahoo, eBay Join Forces in Partnership:
"Internet powerhouses Yahoo and eBay are joining forces in an alliance that further defines the battle lines in an online brawl with rivals Google, Microsoft and AOL."
"Internet powerhouses Yahoo and eBay are joining forces in an alliance that further defines the battle lines in an online brawl with rivals Google, Microsoft and AOL."
PC Magazine - Startup Pitches Free, Nationwide Wireless Broadband
PC Magazine - Startup Pitches Free, Nationwide Wireless Broadband:
"Startup M2Z Networks on May 5 submitted a request to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a license to a vacant 20-megahertz band in order to broadcast free high-speed broadband Internet across the country."
LINKS: M2Z Networks
"Startup M2Z Networks on May 5 submitted a request to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a license to a vacant 20-megahertz band in order to broadcast free high-speed broadband Internet across the country."
LINKS: M2Z Networks
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The American Prospect - The Oregon Voting Revolution
The American Prospect - The Oregon Voting Revolution:
"Oregon’s vote-by-mail system came of age on a cold, drizzly night in January 1996. It was the night of the special election to replace the disgraced Bob Packwood in the U.S. Senate with Gordon Smith, the charismatic Republican vegetable farmer from eastern Oregon, facing Ron Wyden, the wonkish Democratic congressman from Portland. It was a classic match up of the two men who, as it turned out, would both represent Oregon in the Senate for the next decade after Smith won the state’s other seat in November 1996."
"Oregon’s vote-by-mail system came of age on a cold, drizzly night in January 1996. It was the night of the special election to replace the disgraced Bob Packwood in the U.S. Senate with Gordon Smith, the charismatic Republican vegetable farmer from eastern Oregon, facing Ron Wyden, the wonkish Democratic congressman from Portland. It was a classic match up of the two men who, as it turned out, would both represent Oregon in the Senate for the next decade after Smith won the state’s other seat in November 1996."
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
PC Magazine - Life, At A Gigabit Per Second
PC Magazine - Life, At A Gigabit Per Second:
"At the new CalIT2 Center at UC San Diego, their mission, according to Smarr, the center's director, is to "live in the future". Smarr addressed the Future in Review 2006 conference this week, and explained exactly what that means."
LINKS: Calit2
"At the new CalIT2 Center at UC San Diego, their mission, according to Smarr, the center's director, is to "live in the future". Smarr addressed the Future in Review 2006 conference this week, and explained exactly what that means."
LINKS: Calit2
Monday, May 22, 2006
New Scientist - 'Cloaked' carbon nanotubes become non-toxic
New Scientist - 'Cloaked' carbon nanotubes become non-toxic:
"A way to cloak carbon nanotubes, making them both non-toxic and highly customisable, has been revealed. It marks a step towards using nanotubes in biological research and medicine."
Via KurzweilAI.net
"A way to cloak carbon nanotubes, making them both non-toxic and highly customisable, has been revealed. It marks a step towards using nanotubes in biological research and medicine."
Via KurzweilAI.net
ITS Results - Searching for the soul in the machine
ITS Results - Searching for the soul in the machine:
"If computers could create a society, what kind of world would they make? Thanks to the work of an ambitious project that adds a whole new meaning to the phrase, ‘computer society’, in which millions of software agents will potentially evolve their own culture, we could be about to find out."
Via KurzweilAI.net
LINKS: New Ties
"If computers could create a society, what kind of world would they make? Thanks to the work of an ambitious project that adds a whole new meaning to the phrase, ‘computer society’, in which millions of software agents will potentially evolve their own culture, we could be about to find out."
Via KurzweilAI.net
LINKS: New Ties
KurzweilAI.net - Are We Guardians, Or Are We Apes Designing Humans?
KurzweilAI.net - Are We Guardians, Or Are We Apes Designing Humans?:
"Thanks in part to molecular manufacturing, accelerated developments in AI and brain reverse-engineering could lead to the emergence of superintelligence in just 18 years. Are we ready for the implications -- like possible annihilation of Homo sapiens? And will we seem to superintelligence what our ape-like ancestors seem to us: primitive?"
"Thanks in part to molecular manufacturing, accelerated developments in AI and brain reverse-engineering could lead to the emergence of superintelligence in just 18 years. Are we ready for the implications -- like possible annihilation of Homo sapiens? And will we seem to superintelligence what our ape-like ancestors seem to us: primitive?"
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
BizReport - MTV Launches Online Music, Video Store
BizReport - MTV Launches Online Music, Video Store:
"For years, MTV Networks Inc. sat on the sidelines while Apple Computer Inc., RealNetworks Inc. and others racked up sales of music downloads. Now the cable network group that helped popularize music videos two decades ago is entering the online music fray with URGE, a new service that makes its public beta debut on Wednesday."
"For years, MTV Networks Inc. sat on the sidelines while Apple Computer Inc., RealNetworks Inc. and others racked up sales of music downloads. Now the cable network group that helped popularize music videos two decades ago is entering the online music fray with URGE, a new service that makes its public beta debut on Wednesday."
BizReport - Customers Turn to Virtual Banks
BizReport - Customers Turn to Virtual Banks:
"Higher interest rates initially drove Nick Sayers to the Bank of Internet. But he soon realized it's more convenient, too."
LINKS: Bank of Internet
LINKS: VirtualBank
LINKS: Citibank
"Higher interest rates initially drove Nick Sayers to the Bank of Internet. But he soon realized it's more convenient, too."
LINKS: Bank of Internet
LINKS: VirtualBank
LINKS: Citibank
BizReport - Skype launches free call promotion
BizReport - Skype launches free call promotion:
"Skype, the Web telephone company, said on Monday it would allow consumers in the United States and Canada to make free phone calls, a promotional move that marks a new blow to conventional voice calling services."
RELATED: VNUnet - Skype talks up on-the-fly call translation
LINKS: Skype
"Skype, the Web telephone company, said on Monday it would allow consumers in the United States and Canada to make free phone calls, a promotional move that marks a new blow to conventional voice calling services."
RELATED: VNUnet - Skype talks up on-the-fly call translation
LINKS: Skype
Monday, May 15, 2006
New York Times - In Tokyo, the New Trend Is 'Media Immersion Pods'
New York Times - In Tokyo, the New Trend Is 'Media Immersion Pods':
"ALL cities takes a toll, and at times all city dwellers have to take their leave. When life in Istanbul gets too stressful, people can head to the baths. In Rio there's the beach. In Tokyo, though, the antidote to urban overload is more of the same. In the world's most media-saturated city, people take a break by checking themselves into media immersion pods: warrens cluttered with computers, TV's, video games and every other entertainment of the electronic age."
Via KurzweilAI.net
"ALL cities takes a toll, and at times all city dwellers have to take their leave. When life in Istanbul gets too stressful, people can head to the baths. In Rio there's the beach. In Tokyo, though, the antidote to urban overload is more of the same. In the world's most media-saturated city, people take a break by checking themselves into media immersion pods: warrens cluttered with computers, TV's, video games and every other entertainment of the electronic age."
Via KurzweilAI.net
Thursday, May 11, 2006
CBS World - Putin Strikes Back After U.S. Slam
CBS World - Putin Strikes Back After U.S. Slam:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin struck back at recent U.S. criticism of his policies Wednesday, suggesting that Washington puts its political interest above democratic ideals and emphasizing that Russia must increase its military and economic clout to resist foreign pressure."
"Russian President Vladimir Putin struck back at recent U.S. criticism of his policies Wednesday, suggesting that Washington puts its political interest above democratic ideals and emphasizing that Russia must increase its military and economic clout to resist foreign pressure."
Gearlog - Attack of the Transparent Tech
Gearlog - Attack of the Transparent Tech:
"First, there's the SGG Thermovit Elegance glass radiator. Designed by Prefit, a distributor of architectural ironmongery for glass, it is 100% energy-efficient, which means any unused energy is automatically converted into heat. It operates by 60% to 70% infrared radiation and 30% to 40% convection, and is available in various sizes, from 23in. by 15in. up to 59in. by 27in. It can go anywhere in the house, even the bathroom since it's splash-resistant."
LINKS: Prefit
LINKS: Inventables
"First, there's the SGG Thermovit Elegance glass radiator. Designed by Prefit, a distributor of architectural ironmongery for glass, it is 100% energy-efficient, which means any unused energy is automatically converted into heat. It operates by 60% to 70% infrared radiation and 30% to 40% convection, and is available in various sizes, from 23in. by 15in. up to 59in. by 27in. It can go anywhere in the house, even the bathroom since it's splash-resistant."
LINKS: Prefit
LINKS: Inventables
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Popular Science - In 2021 You'll Grow a New Heart
Popular Science - In 2021 You'll Grow a New Heart:
"The protein-based drug molecules penetrate heart-muscle cells and suppress production of an enzyme called p38 that ordinarily limits tissue growth. With p38 turned off, mature heart-muscle cells de-differentiate, which allows them to multiply rapidly and mature into new heart muscle."
"The protein-based drug molecules penetrate heart-muscle cells and suppress production of an enzyme called p38 that ordinarily limits tissue growth. With p38 turned off, mature heart-muscle cells de-differentiate, which allows them to multiply rapidly and mature into new heart muscle."
PC Magazine - Keeping Up with the Jetsons
PC Magazine - Keeping Up with the Jetsons:
"We asked the industry's top design experts to reveal their most innovative ideas for future products. Some of these concepts will become commercial products in the near future. For others, we'll have to wait until the technology catches up with the imagination. Freeing themselves from the real-life limitations of bandwidth, processing power, battery life, and screen resolution, our designers imagined a fascinating array of inventions, including a snowboard that displays messages, a video postcard, a personal projection necklace, and a networking pen. Here are some of their most inspired concepts."
"We asked the industry's top design experts to reveal their most innovative ideas for future products. Some of these concepts will become commercial products in the near future. For others, we'll have to wait until the technology catches up with the imagination. Freeing themselves from the real-life limitations of bandwidth, processing power, battery life, and screen resolution, our designers imagined a fascinating array of inventions, including a snowboard that displays messages, a video postcard, a personal projection necklace, and a networking pen. Here are some of their most inspired concepts."
BizReport - Warner Bros. to Distribute Films on Web
BizReport - Warner Bros. to Distribute Films on Web:
"Warner Bros. will become the first major studio to distribute its films and TV shows over the Internet using peer-to-peer technology developed by BitTorrent Inc., the home of a popular tool for trading pirated copies of movies."
LINKS: BitTorrent
"Warner Bros. will become the first major studio to distribute its films and TV shows over the Internet using peer-to-peer technology developed by BitTorrent Inc., the home of a popular tool for trading pirated copies of movies."
LINKS: BitTorrent
Monday, May 08, 2006
Technology Review - The Times Emulates Print on the Web
Technology Review - The Times Emulates Print on the Web:
"The Web has fostered an explosion of new ideas about information design -- the art of arranging text, graphics, and data to make reading more pleasurable or advertising more diverting. Not all of these ideas have been good ones, as anyone who has been assaulted by blinking pop-up ads knows."
Via KurzweilAI.net
"The Web has fostered an explosion of new ideas about information design -- the art of arranging text, graphics, and data to make reading more pleasurable or advertising more diverting. Not all of these ideas have been good ones, as anyone who has been assaulted by blinking pop-up ads knows."
Via KurzweilAI.net
Guardian Unlimited - Now you see it, now you don't: cloaking device is not just sci-fi
Guardian Unlimited - Now you see it, now you don't: cloaking device is not just sci-fi:
"It's been the curse of the USS Enterprise and the Klingons' favoured weapon. But back on Earth, mathematicians claim to have worked out how to make a cloaking device to render objects invisible."
Via KurzweilAI.net
"It's been the curse of the USS Enterprise and the Klingons' favoured weapon. But back on Earth, mathematicians claim to have worked out how to make a cloaking device to render objects invisible."
Via KurzweilAI.net
Sunday, May 07, 2006
ScienceDaily - No-mow Grass May Be Coming To Your Yard Soon
ScienceDaily - No-mow Grass May Be Coming To Your Yard Soon:
"In a paper published in the May 4, 2006, issue of the journal Nature, Howard Hughes Medical Institute scientists report they have deciphered the signaling pathway for a key class of steroid hormones that regulates growth and development in plants."
"In a paper published in the May 4, 2006, issue of the journal Nature, Howard Hughes Medical Institute scientists report they have deciphered the signaling pathway for a key class of steroid hormones that regulates growth and development in plants."
Friday, May 05, 2006
Pocket-lint.co.uk - Vaude Aracanda 30 - waterproof!
Pocket-lint.co.uk - Vaude Aracanda 30 - waterproof!:
"Vaude launches the first backpack to be manufactured using the innovative processing standard Ultra Seam Tech: the Aracanda 30. It is manufactured using the latest thermal seam closure methods instead of standard needle and thread stitching. Completely welded, waterproof and with a cutting-edge design, the hiking pack "Aracanda 30" stands out above the rest on the market and is now available in stores."
LINKS: Vaude
"Vaude launches the first backpack to be manufactured using the innovative processing standard Ultra Seam Tech: the Aracanda 30. It is manufactured using the latest thermal seam closure methods instead of standard needle and thread stitching. Completely welded, waterproof and with a cutting-edge design, the hiking pack "Aracanda 30" stands out above the rest on the market and is now available in stores."
LINKS: Vaude
Smart Economy - New High efficiency flat light source OLEDs
Smart Economy - New High efficiency flat light source OLEDs:
"Almost any surface in a home, whether flat or curved, could become a light source: walls, curtains, ceilings, cabinets or tables."
"Almost any surface in a home, whether flat or curved, could become a light source: walls, curtains, ceilings, cabinets or tables."
SCI-TECH TODAY - Nokia Partners with ATI on Mobile Multimedia
SCI-TECH TODAY - Nokia Partners with ATI on Mobile Multimedia:
"With a 'shared vision' of how multimedia impacts the wireless world, Nokia and ATI hope to provide 'much-needed direction and a framework to move the whole industry forward,' said Paul Dal Santo, vice president of handheld products at ATI."
"With a 'shared vision' of how multimedia impacts the wireless world, Nokia and ATI hope to provide 'much-needed direction and a framework to move the whole industry forward,' said Paul Dal Santo, vice president of handheld products at ATI."
Wired News - Ultimate Guide to Online Video
Wired News - Ultimate Guide to Online Video:
"What do you want to watch? The answer used to depend on limits -- what day it was, what time it was, what channels you got. A handy little thing called TV Guide laid it all out. Television was a one-way medium - big broadcasters pushing content into our living rooms at a specific time and place."
"What do you want to watch? The answer used to depend on limits -- what day it was, what time it was, what channels you got. A handy little thing called TV Guide laid it all out. Television was a one-way medium - big broadcasters pushing content into our living rooms at a specific time and place."
IEEE Spectrum - Borrowing from biology makes for low — power computing
IEEE Spectrum - Borrowing from biology makes for low — power computing:
"Read this aloud and your inner ear, by itself, will be carrying out at least the equivalent of a billion floating-point operations per second, about the workload of a typical game console. The inner ear together with the brain can distinguish sounds that have intensities ranging over 120 decibels, from the roar of a jet engine to the rustle of a leaf, and it can pick out one conversation from among dozens in a crowded room. It is a feat no artificial system comes close to matching."
"Read this aloud and your inner ear, by itself, will be carrying out at least the equivalent of a billion floating-point operations per second, about the workload of a typical game console. The inner ear together with the brain can distinguish sounds that have intensities ranging over 120 decibels, from the roar of a jet engine to the rustle of a leaf, and it can pick out one conversation from among dozens in a crowded room. It is a feat no artificial system comes close to matching."
New York Times - AOL to Add Free Phone to Instant Messaging Feature
New York Times - AOL to Add Free Phone to Instant Messaging Feature:
"AOL is preparing to offer the 41 million users of its instant messaging system a free phone number that will allow people to call them from regular phones while they are online."
"AOL is preparing to offer the 41 million users of its instant messaging system a free phone number that will allow people to call them from regular phones while they are online."
InformationWeek - Blue Security Shifted Attack, Brought Down Blogs
InformationWeek - Blue Security Shifted Attack, Brought Down Blogs:
"The denial-of-service attack that crashed TypePad and LiveJournal this week was caused by anti-spam company Blue Security, which pinned the target on the blog in an attempt to save its own servers, analysts said Thursday. Blue Security denied that it knew the attack would crash its blog host."
LINKS: Blue Security
LINKS: Blue Frog (Firefox extension)
"The denial-of-service attack that crashed TypePad and LiveJournal this week was caused by anti-spam company Blue Security, which pinned the target on the blog in an attempt to save its own servers, analysts said Thursday. Blue Security denied that it knew the attack would crash its blog host."
LINKS: Blue Security
LINKS: Blue Frog (Firefox extension)
Thursday, May 04, 2006
GamesIndustry.biz - Alone in the Dark to feature episodic structure
GamesIndustry.biz - Alone in the Dark to feature episodic structure:
"Atari has announced a new episodic-based structure for the latest instalment in its survival horror series Alone in the Dark, offering distinct chapters with cinematic cliff-hanger endings."
"Atari has announced a new episodic-based structure for the latest instalment in its survival horror series Alone in the Dark, offering distinct chapters with cinematic cliff-hanger endings."
GamesIndustry.biz - MGM awards Activision the rights to James Bond films
GamesIndustry.biz - MGM awards Activision the rights to James Bond films:
"MGM Interactive and EON Productions have awarded Activision the rights to develop and publish games based on the James Bond film licence until 2014."
"MGM Interactive and EON Productions have awarded Activision the rights to develop and publish games based on the James Bond film licence until 2014."
BizReport - CBS Announces Broadband Channel
BizReport - CBS Announces Broadband Channel:
"CBS Corp. on Thursday launched a new broadband channel called 'innertube,' an ad-supported outlet that will include specially created Web series and some use of material that has already run on CBS."
LINKS: CBS - innertube
LINKS: CBS - ondemand
"CBS Corp. on Thursday launched a new broadband channel called 'innertube,' an ad-supported outlet that will include specially created Web series and some use of material that has already run on CBS."
LINKS: CBS - innertube
LINKS: CBS - ondemand
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Popular Science - The Warp Drive
Popular Science - The Warp Drive:
"In a rush to flee the solar system? Scientists have an interstellar travel plan, but it entails a brief stint outside the known universe."
"In a rush to flee the solar system? Scientists have an interstellar travel plan, but it entails a brief stint outside the known universe."
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Forbes - Blank Slate
Forbes - Blank Slate:
"What if you could pick one thing and start over from scratch? What would you change? Would you choose another career, a different home, a new spouse? Or would you choose to remake the world around you? Why not fix America's prison system, make schools more efficient, or make your political leaders more intelligent?"
Via KurzweilAI.net
"What if you could pick one thing and start over from scratch? What would you change? Would you choose another career, a different home, a new spouse? Or would you choose to remake the world around you? Why not fix America's prison system, make schools more efficient, or make your political leaders more intelligent?"
Via KurzweilAI.net
New Scientist Tech - Nanowires and water are a memorable mix
New Scientist Tech - Nanowires and water are a memorable mix:
"Adding water to nanowires could create computer memory devices capable of storing 10 million times more information in the same physical space as existing drives."
Via KurzweilAI.net
"Adding water to nanowires could create computer memory devices capable of storing 10 million times more information in the same physical space as existing drives."
Via KurzweilAI.net
news@nature - Wrinkled cell nuclei may make us age
news@nature - Wrinkled cell nuclei may make us age:
"In the continued quest to pinpoint the molecules that turn us wrinkly and grey, some scientists are beginning to think that the walls of the cell nucleus might play an important role."
"In the continued quest to pinpoint the molecules that turn us wrinkly and grey, some scientists are beginning to think that the walls of the cell nucleus might play an important role."
BizReport - Napster offers free music to beat iTunes
BizReport - Napster offers free music to beat iTunes:
"Napster Inc., the one-time renegade music download service, has returned to its roots with a new Web service which offers fans the chance to listen to over 2 million tracks for free."
LINKS: Napster
"Napster Inc., the one-time renegade music download service, has returned to its roots with a new Web service which offers fans the chance to listen to over 2 million tracks for free."
LINKS: Napster
BizReport - Yahoo Introduces New Technology Section
BizReport - Yahoo Introduces New Technology Section:
"Yahoo Inc. on Monday unveiled a new section aimed at helping consumers cope with the onslaught of new technology that's reshaping modern life."
LINKS: Yahoo! Tech
"Yahoo Inc. on Monday unveiled a new section aimed at helping consumers cope with the onslaught of new technology that's reshaping modern life."
LINKS: Yahoo! Tech
Ajaxian - AjaxLaunch Readies their AjaxOS
Ajaxian - AjaxLaunch Readies their AjaxOS:
"From the group that brought AjaxWite and AjaxSketch to the web, AjaxLaunch, comes a seak peak at their latest project - the AjaxOS, a complete Ajax-enabled operating system (based on Linspire)."
"From the group that brought AjaxWite and AjaxSketch to the web, AjaxLaunch, comes a seak peak at their latest project - the AjaxOS, a complete Ajax-enabled operating system (based on Linspire)."
Monday, May 01, 2006
TechCrunch - Eye-Fi to Combine Wifi, Flash Memory
TechCrunch - Eye-Fi to Combine Wifi, Flash Memory:
"Eye-Fi is tackling the problem from a different perspective. They’re building wifi directly into the flash storage. Their first product will be a 1GB SD card with built in Wifi. For about the same price as a 1 GB flash card sells for today - $100. You’ll be able to upload photos, or whatever, directly from your device to a computer using the built in storage wifi capabilities."
Via Engadget
"Eye-Fi is tackling the problem from a different perspective. They’re building wifi directly into the flash storage. Their first product will be a 1GB SD card with built in Wifi. For about the same price as a 1 GB flash card sells for today - $100. You’ll be able to upload photos, or whatever, directly from your device to a computer using the built in storage wifi capabilities."
I4U News - TCC Kitchen Center
I4U News - TCC Kitchen Center:
"The TCC Kitchen Center is a built-in food processing system that eliminates the need for multiple appliances."
LINKS: TCC Kitchen Center
"The TCC Kitchen Center is a built-in food processing system that eliminates the need for multiple appliances."
I4U News - Just In Case You Need a Bar
I4U News - Just In Case You Need a Bar:
"The portable bar-case element weighs approx. 27kg and each leg approx. 5kg. You can setup the bar and be ready to serve Vodkatinis in 3 minutes."
LINKS: Justin Case
"The portable bar-case element weighs approx. 27kg and each leg approx. 5kg. You can setup the bar and be ready to serve Vodkatinis in 3 minutes."
TWICE - Senate Bill Would Limit Satellite-Radio Recording
TWICE - Senate Bill Would Limit Satellite-Radio Recording:
"Proposed legislation before the Senate Judiciary Committee would force satellite radio broadcasters XM and Sirius to limit consumers’ ability to record satellite radio programming, and it would raise the royalties that the broadcasters pay to copyright holders."
"Proposed legislation before the Senate Judiciary Committee would force satellite radio broadcasters XM and Sirius to limit consumers’ ability to record satellite radio programming, and it would raise the royalties that the broadcasters pay to copyright holders."
PhysOrg - Towards the magnetic fridge
PhysOrg - Towards the magnetic fridge:
"Researchers at the University of Cambridge have discovered a material that gives a whole new complexion to the term 'fridge magnet'. When this alloy is placed in a magnetic field, it gets colder. Karl Sandeman and his co-workers think that their material - a blend of cobalt, manganese, silicon and germanium - could help to usher in a new type of refrigerator that is up to 40 percent more energy-efficient than conventional models."
Via Treehugger
LINKS: Camfridge
"Researchers at the University of Cambridge have discovered a material that gives a whole new complexion to the term 'fridge magnet'. When this alloy is placed in a magnetic field, it gets colder. Karl Sandeman and his co-workers think that their material - a blend of cobalt, manganese, silicon and germanium - could help to usher in a new type of refrigerator that is up to 40 percent more energy-efficient than conventional models."
Via Treehugger
LINKS: Camfridge
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